Support Women in STEM with Rukhmabai Initiatives
Your Contribution Matters!
At Rukhmabai Initiatives, we are dedicated to fostering the presence of Indian women in STEM fields. Your support can make a substantial impact on our mission.
Sponsorship Opportunities
- Sponsor a Storywriting Grant – INR 40,000
- Sponsor a Story (Written) – INR 10,000
- Sponsor a format – Email us to discuss options
To broaden our efforts, we’re restructuring to offer larger grants supporting various storytelling media like videos, films, photo essays, illustrations, podcasts, and more.
You receive
- Credit as a patron in the story/grant
- Shout-out on Rukhmabai Initiatives’ social media accounts for your support.
Donate for the initiative
Regardless of size, your donation is invaluable in propelling the Rukhmabai Initiative’s mission forward. Any contribution is
valued and appreciated. We will give you a shout-out on Rukhmabai Initiatives’ social media accounts for your support.
Your contribution empowers us to create impactful narratives and encourage more women to pursue careers in STEM. Our
editorial team retains all rights to story selection. Donations will not influence any published stories.